







a couple of weeks ago, when i learned the theme of today?s competition, i asked some of my

roommates: “what does ?faith? mean to you?” just coming back from a philosophy class, the girls were in a poetic mood: “faith is what john lennon had when he wrote the legendary song ?imagine? and dreamed of ?world peace?”, “faith is what the hebrews had when they followed moses through the red sea in search of their freedom.” “and faith is what the pilgrims had when they journeyed to that strange land on mayflower, and

started their pursuit of a new life.”

thanks for the history lesson girls, but i was not asking for a great, historic event where faith might have altered the entire course of humanity. all i asked was “what does faith mean to you, to us, the individuals toiling with life?s hard choices each day?” personally speaking, faith is like oxygen: i didn?t know how precious

it was until i ran the risk of losing it.

my heart stirs still every time memory brings me back to three years ago, when the devastating

earthquake engulfed our country. as one of the few cities that took the hit the hardest that day, my hometown was suddenly devoured by a black hole of depression. having forsaken our worldly possessions, my family joined the army of tents every night, holding our breath and waiting for daybreak; having abandoned the comfort of home, we managed to lift ourselves up, along with neighbors and friends, when each after-shock threatened to tear us down. as a politician once put it, in the face of disaster, we?re reminded that life can be

unimaginably cruel, but it?s also in these moments, that we rediscover our common faith in life.

indeed, during those dark hours, faith blazed in the courage of my math teacher ms. liu, when she stayed behind in a shaking building until she made sure that the last student had safely evacuated; faith radiated from the persistence of my dad when he kept his eyes wide open every single night, so that my mom and i could have a good night?s sleep; faith was ignited from the empathy of my next-door neighbor, when she took a stranger that was in shock into her arms and consoled him with her warm embrace. in the end, faith was rekindled in the passion of me and my fellow classmates, who immediately got back to preparing for our college entrance examination the very next day, with gritted teeth, and a conviction as steady as a es and gentlemen, this is what faith means to me. it?s the small voice in our ears that says: be strong, be good, and don?t give up whenever we?re frustrated by life. that's why after three years, my friends and family have picked themselves up, dusted themselves off and with tougher spirits, begun again their journey

towards a better future.

at last, to twist the lyrics of last year?s charity song, i call upon my fellow young friends to chant together with me, in the name of faith, for all those who are still suffering in haiti, japan and myanmar: when i get older, i will be stronger, they?ll call me faith, just like a waving flag. let us carry above our heads the waving flag

called faith, and let its many inspirations lift us up from where we belong.




have you ever bought any food on the train? and do you ask for the receipt after buying it? nowadays, all trains in china provide its passengers with receipts for commodities, but 7 years ago, things were quite different.

on 13th of october, 2014, the train t109 from beijing to shanghai was speeding on the railway. a graduate student bought a sausage at 1 yuan on the train, then asked for a receipt.

“are you kidding? it?s just one yuan!” the crew member was surprised.

the student, however, answered in a determined voice, “i paid the money, so i deserve the receipt.”

“but we never give receipts on the train.? as a result, his further request was turned down by a cold shoulder.

several days later, the student sued the national railway ministry, for not providing receipts forpassengers.

to his dismay, the court turned down the case for lack of evidence. but he, who majored in law at that time, believed law as a most powerful weapon, so he did not give up. instead, he began his journey of collecting first-hand evidence by taking trains and buying commodities aboard. when his classmates were playing soccer, he was taking the train; when his classmates were buying food at mcdonald?s, he was buying food on the train; when his classmates were asking girls out, he was asking for the receipts. as he joked, ?i was either taking the train or on the way to take the train.?

one month later, he appeared in the court again, with newly-collected evidence and a stronger confidence. and i guess, ladies and gentlemen, you will all cheer for the result

because this time, the student won the case. very soon, a regulation about receipts on the train came out. and whatever we buy on the train now, there?s a receipt for us. outside the court, the student was asked, “how do you make it to the end?” he said, “as a law student, i root my faith in law. i believe that law is there, to protect every person with no exception, and to ensure every person has a say.”

his words spread a strong faith in law, which is not only a doctrine of a law student, but also a belief that all citizens ought to hold. it is this faith that initiates the student to resort to law for a tiny issue; it is this faith that supports him to endure all the exhausting trips when collecting evidence; it is this faith that makes a seemingly “ridiculous” receipt request legal and rightful. it is this faith that helps to change our life, enhance our judicial system and bring social justice.

to many, a receipt of 1 yuan is too small to mention, however rights are to be respected and law is to be believed in. it all starts with a tiny receipt of 1 yuan, but we get a monumental case, a new regulation and a bumper harvest in social justice. the bridge that leads a tiny start to a bumper harvest is faith, the faith in law, rightful and strong.







21世紀英文報重慶工作站 劉宣勤







(一) 參賽範圍:國家承認的具有高等學歷教育招生資格的普通高等學校在校本、專


(二) 比賽時間:比賽於2014年5月18日開始,各省/直轄市/自治區網際網路選拔賽結


(三) 參賽及選拔方式:

1、 參賽方式:參賽選手登陸大賽官方網站,註冊、提交作品接受


2、 作品要求:

1) 必選作品:參賽選手根據比賽演講主題自擬題目完成一篇500字左右的演講稿,



2) 可選作品:作為參考作品,參賽選手可自願選擇一段英文文學作品(如散文、



3、 演講主題:

budgeting for life: learn to manage personal finance problems

(為人生“精打細算”: 學會生活中的理財之道)











4、 選拔方式:

1) 網際網路選拔賽投票期內,參賽選手所在學校以該校獲得網路投票數及簡訊投票


2) 截至網際網路選拔賽投票期結束時,排名靠前的學校將各有2名選手進入電話口





3) 網際網路選拔賽投票期結束後,復活賽立即啟動,持續4天,各省/直轄市/自治





4) 比賽合作單位推薦的各省/直轄市/自治區最多6名優秀選手經大賽組委會確認



5) 電話口試階段,大賽組委會將聘請外籍專家與選手進行電話問答並打分,同時


5、 評判標準:

1) 網上演講作品(必選作品)演講內容佔40%,語言質量佔40%,綜合印象佔


2) 網上演講作品與電話口試兩個部分得分各佔總分的50%。

6、 獎勵事項:網上演講作品(必選作品)和電話口試綜合得分排名靠前的選手入圍省/




(一) 參賽範圍:通過網際網路選拔賽/校園選拔賽入圍的選手及比賽合作伙伴特別選送





(二) 比賽時間:2014年10-11月,具體時間將由組委會於預賽結束後另行通知。

(三) 比賽形式:現場比賽,包括已備演講、即席演講、評委問答等部分。

(四) 評判標準:演講內容佔40%,語言質量佔40%,綜合印象佔20%。

(五) 獎勵事項:各省/直轄市/自治區總決賽設冠、亞、季軍、一等獎、二等獎、三等





(一) 參賽範圍:共約68名選手,包括:

1、 第14屆比賽全國決賽獲得前3名的學校(清華大學、遼寧大學、北京語言大


2、 通過第15屆比賽第一、第二階段晉級入圍的選手,共約56名;

3、 第15屆比賽特約學校或合作伙伴特別選送並經組委會考核後確認的優秀選手,


4、 港、澳、臺地區選送的選手,共6名;

(二) 比賽時間:2014年3-4月期間。

(三) 比賽地點、形式、演講主題、評判標準等資訊將於2014年12月30日在《21


(四) 獎勵事項:優勝選手將晉級全國決賽,其餘選手將獲證書及獎品。具體晉級名



(一) 參賽範圍:全國半決賽晉級的優勝選手及其他國家或地區特邀選手。

(二) 比賽時間、地點、形式、演講主題、評判標準等資訊將於2014年12月30日在


(三) 獎勵事項:






1. 大賽各階段涉及的大部分即席演講話題將來源於《21世紀英文報》,因此請參賽選


2. 參加大賽網際網路選拔賽的選手應保證個人資訊真實準確,演講作品須原創,演講稿


3. 網際網路選拔賽階段參賽選手就相關疑問請諮詢“4006100100轉二十一英語”。

4. 學校推薦的入圍大賽電話口試的選手以學校蓋章的推薦信為準。組委會將電話通知


5. 省/直轄市/自治區總決賽、全國半決賽/總決賽中,參賽選手必須由其所在學校的輔


6. 有關省/直轄市/自治區總決賽、全國半決賽/總決賽的具體日程安排和參賽事宜將另


7. 入圍省/直轄市/自治區總決賽、全國半決賽/總決賽選手的演講稿、參賽照片及演講


8. 有關本次大賽各項事宜的最終解釋權和仲裁權歸中國日報社21世紀英文報系所有。





1)is it right to publish the names of those offenders who violate the traffic rules?


2) should i work to help my parents?


3) city life fails to bring happiness do you agree or disagree with this idea. why? give specific examples to support your idea.

4) now students should earn more degrees than practical skills. do you agree or disagree?

5) get married without money? 裸婚is it a good event or bad beginning? why?

6) ban buskers on subways?


7) today more college students attend beauty contests than ever. what’s your point of view on this issue?

8) buy more brand names?


9) a classic case of change?


10) do you really believe that getting into top universities or colleges may enable you as a step closer to success?

11) we have to use our real names online? do you agree or disagree with this proposal?

12) do you agree or disagree with the point that students have the right to choose to live on campus or outside campus?why. give specific example to support your ideas.

13) college students can decide by themselves to wear brand names or not. what do you think of this point? why?

14) volunteers only stand out in case of disaster and accident. do you think it is good phenomenon or not? why?

15)we should give up dialects and move to mandarin chinese. do you agree or disagree?

16) are criticism leveled upon post 80's generation justified?對80後的評判正確嗎?

17) are pre-university students too young to live in foreign countries?高中生就出國學習是否太早?

18) the study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives. do you agree or disagree with the point? why?

19) which is better solution to city (我們一定會做的更好:)traffic problems, to raise gasoline price or restrict the number of cars? why? give specific examples to support your ideas.

20) college students have the right to choose their courses. do you agree or disagree? why?

21) product placement (植入式廣告) should appear in spring festival gala.

22) fireworks should be banned in cities all the time.

23) "lady first" is an outdated concept.

24) pets should be allowed in university dormitories.

25) "ant tribe"(蟻族) should go to smaller cities.

26)the use of animals in sports should be banned.

27)corporal punishment on children is justified.

28)china should impose drinking age limit.

29)great movies or tv series should be followed by sequels.

30)we should welcome genetically-modified foods.

31)should university students start their own business as soon as they graduate from universities?

32)should parents set limits on internet access for their teenage children?

33)smoking should be prohibited completely in all countries.

34)people have been alienated by the internet.

35)science is a threat to humanity.

36)sex education should take place at home.

37)should photos of pickpockets be pasted on the windows of buses as a warning for passengers?

38)china should restrict private ownership of automobiles.

39)historic buildings should not be sacrificed to make room for urban development

40)government officials should reveal their property information to the public.

41)teacher's pay should be based on his/her students' performance.

42)china should continue to adopt real-name system for railway transportation.

43)museums should be made free.

44)zoos should be banned.

45)the divorce procedure should be made more complicated.

46)fines should be made relative to wealth.

47)the preferential policy for students from ethnic minority groups in college entrance

examination should be abolished.

48)advertising aiming at children should be restricted.

49)violent sports should be banned.

50)condom vending machines should be allowed on university campus.

51)junk food should be taxed.

52)we should not protect a dying language.

53)image of children should be prohibited in advertisement.

54)cyber manhunt (人肉搜尋) should be made illegal.

55)china should ban the production and sales of tobacco.

56)international working women's day should be cancelled.

57)cultural relics should be returned to their countries of origin.

58)gambling should be legalized in areas afflicted by economic recession.

59)who need more care in our society, men or women?

60)men and women should retire at the same age.

61)universities should abolish the practice of cutting off electricity at dormitory at night.

62)p.e. class should be made elective in universities.

63)english band 4 and band 8 tests should be abolished.

64)high school students should be allowed to choose their major after entering universities.

65)the enrollment quotas of college entrance examination should be based on the population of each province.

66)celebrities don't have rights of privacy.

67)chinese calligraphy should be made a compulsory course to all primary school students.

68)classical chinese should be made a compulsory course to all university students.

69)advertisement degrades people's quality of life.