

particular的意思 篇一

adj. 特別的,詳細的,獨有的,挑剔的

n. 特色,特點,(可分類,列舉的)專案,詳細情節,細情,細目,某一事項

particular 片語 |習慣用語 篇二

in particular 尤其,特別

particular case 特例;特定情況

particular about 過分講究的;難以取悅的

particular average 單獨海損(海上保險)

particular solution [計]特解

in every particular 在一切方面;每一項;每一點

free from particular average [法]單獨海損不賠

particular 英語例句庫 篇三

cocoanut is particular to the tropics.椰子是熱帶特有的。

story happened on that particular day.故事就發生在那一天。

household duties were not particularly onerous.我的家務活並不繁重。

are sitting on that particular idea.他們在壓制那個特別的想法。

had not a particularly complex mind.他的頭腦並不十分複雜。

6、“For particulars, apply to the information desk.”詳情請向問訊臺詢問。

director stressed that point in particular.廠長特別強調了那一點。

likes fruit and tomatoes in particular.她喜歡水果, 尤其是西紅柿。

ployment has hit unskilled workers in particular.失業尤其衝擊到了無特別技能的工人。

is a particular account of the accident.這是一份全面而詳盡的事故報告。

particularly criticized the terminology in the document.他特別批評了檔案中使用的術語。

12.I wanted to retrace a particular evolutionary pathway.我想弄清進化的一種特定途徑。

reign has never been considered particularly noteworthy.從沒有人認為他統治的時期特別值得關注。

14.I am not myself a particularly punctual person.我本人不是一個嚴守時間的人。

green wallpaper had a particularly somber tone.綠色的糊牆紙有一種特別的深沉的色調

16.I'm not particularly bothered about how I look.我並不特別在意自己的外表。

17.I prefer the daisy and the knapweed in particular.我特別喜歡雛菊和矢車菊。

directed the question at no one in particular.她的問題並沒有針對任何個人。

is especially applied in particular and gyratory shape 。尤其適應於異形體、螺旋體等裝置的保溫隔熱需要。

will make an exception in this particular case.我們將把這個例子當作例外

particular用法 篇四






They depend on a particular historical situation.它們取決於特定的歷史境況。

I have nothing particular to do this evening.今晚我沒有什麼特殊的事要做。

Clouds must be given a particular attention.必須對雲給予特別的注意。




in particular的意思是“尤其,特別”。


The account is correct in every particular.所述的每一細節都正確無誤。

He gave full particulars of the stolen property.他詳細列出全部被盜的財物。