

第一篇:六年級英語演講稿our school第二篇:六年級我愛英語演講稿第三篇:國小英語家長會演講稿 六年級第四篇:六年級英語第五篇:六年級英語更多相關範文


第一篇:六年級英語演講稿our school


our school is named maqiao primary school ’s the north of maqiao ’s not far from maqiao street ’s near thesmall river ong the yanhe road you come to thesmall river ,turnright and go across the bridge straight for 100 meters . it’s our school ’s across from the farmers’ houses e are many buildings in it e are many trees and flowers in ’s nice and clean our school, there are 14 classes and 42 teachers in it are studying in it love our school .


i’m very glad to make a speech here! this time, i’d like to talk something about english.

i love english. english language is now used everywhere in the world. it has become the most common language on the internet and for international trade. learning english makes me confident and brings me great pleasure.

at grade 3, i started to play games and sing english songs with other children. then i discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful journey in the english world.

i hope i can travel around the world someday. i want to go to america to visit the washington monument. of course, i want to go to london too, because england is the motherland of the english language. if i can ride my bike in the cambridge university, i will be very happy.

i hope i can speak english with everyone in the world. i’ll introduce china and chinese culture to them, such as the great wall, the tian’anmen square and dumplings.

i know that rome was not built in a day. i believe that after persistent hard work, one day i can speak english very well.

if you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. so i believe as i love english everyday, it will love me too.

my future is not a dream. i am confident that it will come true.

第三篇:國小英語家長會演講稿 六年級


1. 國小英語是一門副科,他的地位沒有語文數學重要。然而,國小英語這一時期兒童的語法、詞彙及會話技能構建的關鍵時期;國小英語一學期的單詞量是國中英語一星期的單詞量。而國小英語所涉及到的單詞和句子,都屬於核心單詞,也就是高頻率使用的,初高中會考的的重點詞彙。若沒有打好基礎,國中的上課進度就會跟不上。如果孩子到了國中,還補國小的內容。這個孩子壓力很大,因為既要學國中的又要儘快補習國小的,課餘時間就更少了。

2. 英語作為一門副科,它的作業量其實不大。要求學生付出一點點的努力,即便不上補習班。也能達到相應的基礎水平。學生其實要做的不多,每週的一點作業。而學生的英語水平,是靠每天,每週的日積月累點點滴滴累積起來的。

3. 到了六年級,學生要明白。學習本來就是一件辛苦的事。現在不辛苦,以後會比現在更辛苦。要讓孩子明白這個道理。

4. 關於英語教學情況,家長需知:每學期有四次單元考,一個月一次單元考。每次考試要求家長簽名。到目前為止,已經考試兩次,第二次的卷子即將改完發到學生手中。

5. 作業要求:每週有一次英語作業,活動手冊一課。大概兩三頁吧,我希望家長做到的是,每天根據孩子的英語作業進行檢查是否完成,完成的質量如何。

6. 這學期我們的學習內容就是書上的8個單元。一學期要學生識計


7. 每個單元要求:課本後面單詞,黃色單詞要求會默寫。每一課的重點句型會念。要學好英語,課上佔40%,其餘的60%還需要學生在課後不斷的鞏固,加深記憶。在課上老師更多的是教授新知識,當然課上也會有少量的時間鞏固新學的知識。但是這些時間是公共的時間,而不是每個學生私有的時間,所以不可能照顧到每個學生,不可能讓所有學生都達到相同的程度。大部分學生都只能是初步接觸了新知識,要真正接受新知識還要學生在課後多下功夫,不然肯定會和別的同學拉下差距。

8. 每週英語都有教學新課,課後要求孩子朗讀,家長監督。課文通常念8-10遍,需要家長簽名。家長聽不懂可以藉助復讀機、點讀機,或者電腦上播放相關軟件(可以讓學生拿u盤找老師複製)。只需檢查孩子是否有認真跟讀。

9. 讓孩子多聽錄音,這是學好英語的最根本的方法。孩子光靠每堂課上10分鐘的朗讀,他們的聽力和朗讀能力根本就不能有什麼發展。不會聽就不能閲讀,如果不會聽那不是白學了麼?

10. 國小六年級,是學生在國小學習生活中最後一個階段,是學生終生學習的一箇中轉站,也是國小與國中的接軌點,即將面臨到一個新的環境中受到一個新的挑戰、新的評價。

11. 英語基礎比較差或者單詞一字不會念的同學,剩下一年的時間願意努力就不算晚。只要孩子用心,學習效果是很明顯的,只要他背了記了,效果就出來了,學習英語沒有什麼竅門,唯一的竅門也就是努力,沒有笨孩子,只有懶惰的學生。所以學習習慣很重要。

12. 注重孩子默寫的質量,單詞短語的默寫,這是學英語的必經之路。單詞往往背過就容易會忘記,所以要不斷的背默寫,不斷的翻新,這是沒有辦法的。我要求學生在背單詞的時候要邊拼邊寫,嘴巴和手都要動起來,嘴上十遍不如手上一遍。家長在這裏要作好檢查督促的工作,不要用不懂英語來幫助你的孩子學會偷懶,你可以報中文,讓你的孩子默寫,然後對照書本批改訂正,每天堅持的話,你一定會有意想不到的效果。還有句型,學生應該在課上領會句型的意思和運用方法。課後還需要通過多讀課文,多練習才能鞏固所學的句型。所以請各位家長不光要注重孩子背單詞短語的情況,還要讓他重視句子的重要性。千萬不能縱容自己的孩子第一次説:英語好難,我默不出來;就任由他去。你讓你的孩子知道:今天,你花大時間去養成好習慣,明天,你就可以更好。今天,你偷懶了一會,你明天的作業就會更多。累積下來,你就是欠債最多的人。孩子是每個家庭的重心和希望,有一


13. 在孩子休息娛樂的時間,可以讓學生看看英文原聲電影。條件允許,可以找中英雙語字幕的電影。讓孩子體會原汁原味,輕快活潑的英語。培養興趣。雖然,以國小現階段的英語水平,大部分聽不懂。但是看原聲電影原理和胎教是類似的。是會有看不見、潛移默化的影響。看原聲電影可以營造一個語言的環境。培養英語的語感,孩子在娛樂的同時,同時掌握語音、詞彙、句型、思維和文化;。快樂中學英語。


摘要: 班級______姓名_________成績______ 一、 聽錄音,完成下列對話10% 1 a: look at that sign. b: what does it _____? a: it _____ no _____ . b: i see. we can t _____our car here. 2 a: _____ that girl? b: w



? 小升中面試口語自我介紹 | 小升中零基礎語法資料 小升中擇校英語需到什麼程度 | 重點中學各區排名 説説英語寫作中的“套話 | 怎樣有效背誦英文課文班級______姓名_________成績______

一、 聽錄音,完成下列對話10%

1 a: look at that sign. b: what does it _____?

a: it _____“no _____”.

b: i see. we can?t _____our car here.

2 a: _____ that girl? b: which _____?

a: the _____ in a _____ dress.

b: she is my sister, nancy. she_____ _____tv.

二、 選出劃線部分讀音與所給音標相同的單詞10%

[ ]1 cycle yellow [ ] 2 must music

[ ]3 litter like [ ] 4 grass apple

[ ]5 cag(本站向您推薦:)e always [ ] 6 pass have

[ ]7 tree very [ ] 8 mean bread

[ ]9 good room [ ]10 much shoe

三、 完成下列短文 10%

now i know a _____ about public_____ in the park. they _____ different things. we _____ walk on the _____. we _____ _____ quiet near the bird?s cage. the sign on the building in the park _____“danger”. we _____ stay _____ from it.

四、 從b欄中找出a欄的應答句。8%

( ) 1 is there a knife on the table? a it means you shouldn?t touch it.

( ) 2 what does the sign mean? b no, i can?t.

( ) 3 can you swim? c she is reading a book.

( ) 4 what is she doing now? d yes, he does.

( ) 5 does ben like drawing? e no, there isn?t.

( ) 6 who?s the boy in black? f it?s a tape.

( ) 7 what?s that over there? g it?s one hundred yuan.

( ) 8 how much is it? h he?s mike.

五、 句型轉換 15%

1 i can see a public sign on the grass.提問

_____ can you _____ on the grass?

2 he likes music.提問 what _____ he _____?

3 mrs smith is taking a walk in the park.提問

_____ mrs smith _____ in the park?

4 she doesn?t like growing flowers.肯定句 she _____ _____ flowers.

5 her pretty skirt is red. 提問 _____ _____ is her pretty skirt?

6 that green t-shirt is mike?s. 提問 _____ is that green _____?

7 i can dance beautifully. 否定句 i _____ _____ beautifully.

8 walk on the grass.否定句 _____ walk on the grass.

六、 選出錯誤部分,並在橫線上改正。10%

_____1 he walks to the book and picks up it.

_____2 ron is only seven year old.

_____3 the signs on the bird?s cage is interesting.

_____4 he can see a lot public signs in the park.

_____5 a park keeper comes up, a park keeper points to a sign to him.

七、 朗讀音標,填入相應字母。20%

[ ] 1 b_ _ d b_ _ thday th_ _d [ ] 5 w_ sh _ ctober

[ ] 2 d_ nger d_ te m_ _ [ ] 6 _ _ en _ ait

[ ] 3 gr_ ss _ sk p_ _ k [ ] 7 f _ ne s_ gn

[ ] 4 litt _ _ keep _ _ _ way [ ] 8 pr_ sent tw_lve

八、 用所給詞的正確形式填空7%

1 there _____(be) lots of public signs in the park.

2 ben ______(take) a walk with her mother now

3 jack often ____ (ask) his cousin many _____ (question)

4 ben ____(have) a nice friend.

5 ann is ____(four) years old. and her father is ____ (four) years old.

九、 閲讀理解。10%

one morning, jim said he was ill. his mother called a taxi出租車 and took him to the doctor. the doctor asked jim,“what?s wrong with you, young man”. jim answered,“i?m ill. i?m coughing and have a headache. i can?t go to school today.” the doctor examined檢查 him, and then asked his mother,“what did he have for breakfast?” her mother said,“he had some bread , two eggs, a carton of milk and a pear.” the doctor smiled微笑, “don?t worry. it?s not serious嚴重的. the boy will be ok after the football match.” the

mother said,“i don?t understand 明白, doctor.” the doctor smiled again, “this afternoon, the biggest最大的 football game of this year will be on tv, i think the boy will be fine after the game. let?s wait and see.”

( ) 1the mother took jim to the doctor _________.

a by bus b by taxi c by train

( ) 2 the doctor told __________.

a jim?s mother to take him now b jim?s mother not to worry c jim not to eat too much太多

( ) 3 did jim want to go to school?

a yes, he did. b no he didn?t. c sorry i don?t know.

( ) 4 what was on tv that afternoon?

a an english film b a football match c a volleyball match

( ) 5 was jim ill that day?

a yes he was b no, he wasn?t c sorry, i don?t know


















