

反義詞 篇一

①名不副實 註釋:副:相稱,相符合。名聲或名義和實際不相符。指空有虛名。

②魚目混珠 註釋:只比喻以假亂真,而不指以次充好。一般形容物,不形容人。

③掩人耳目 註釋:遮掩別人的耳朵和眼睛。比喻用假象迷惑人,欺騙人。

④混水摸魚 註釋:比喻乘混亂的時候從中撈取利益

近義詞 篇二

pretend to play the Yu (a wind instrument) in order to make up the number for an orchestra -- to be included in a group just to fill in a vacancy;act as a stopgap;be dragged in to swell the total;fill a post without real qualifications ;



