

代表作英文詩歌 篇一

Weep you no more,sad fountains-你不要再哭泣,悲傷的泉

Weep you no more,sad fountains.悲傷的泉,你不要哭泣。

What need you flow so fast?你為什麼流得那樣匆匆?

Look how the snowy mountains你不見天庭的陽光將雪山

Heaven's sun does gently waste.多麼温柔地消融?

But my sun's heavenly eyes可是我的太陽,

View not your weeping,她天使般的雙眼,

That now lies sleeping看不見你的淚光。

Softly,now softly lies已經睡了,我的太陽,


Sleep is a reconciling,睡眠,給你休憩,

A rest that peace begets.還你安寧,

Doth not the sun rise smiling你不見安然西沉的太陽

When fair at even he sets?明晨又將笑盈盈地升起?

Rest you then,rest,sad eyes,睡吧,睡吧,悲傷的眼睛。

Melt not in weeping莫在哭泣中消融,

While she lies sleeping她已經睡了,

Softly,now softly lies sleeping輕輕地,柔柔地睡了。

英語詩歌 篇二

Sea Fever海之戀

John Masefield 作/ 綠雪 譯

I MUST go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,

And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,

And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,

And a gray mist on the sea's face, and a gray dawn breaking.





I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide

Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;

And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,

And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.





I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,

To the gull's way and the whale's way, where the wind's like a whetted knife;

And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,

And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over.我一定要再次回到大海




代表作英文詩歌 篇三

lady lazarus 美國自白派女詩人sylvia plath 於1962年的經典詩作。

by sylvia plath

i have done it again.

one year in every ten

i manage it ——

a sort of waling miracle, my skin

bright as a nazi lampshade,

my right foot

a paperweight,

my face a featureless, fine

jew linen.

peel off the napkin

o my enemy.

do i terrify? ——

the nose, the eye pits, the full set of teeth?

the sour breath

will vanish in a day.

soon, soon the flesh

the grave cave ate will be

at home on me

and i a smiling woman.

i am only thirty.

and like the cat i have nine times to die.

this is number three.

what a trash

to annihilate each decade.

what a million filaments.

the peanut-crunching crowd

shoves in to see

them upwrap me hand and foot——

the big strip tease.

gentlemen, ladies

these are my hands

my knees.

i may be skin and bone,

nevertheless,i am the same, identical woman.

the first time it happened i was ten.

it was an accident.

the second time i meant

to last it out and not come back at all.

i rocked shut

as a seashell.

they had to call and call

and pick the worms off me like sticky pearls.


is an art, like everything else.

i do it exceptionally well.

i do it so it feels like hell.

i do it so it feels real.

i guess you could say i've a call.

it's easy enough to do it in a cell.

it's easy enough to do it and stay put.

it's the theatrical

comeback in broad day

to the same place, the same face, the same brute

amused shout:

'a miracle!'

that knocks me out.

there is a charge.

for the eyeing of my scars, there is a charge

for the hearing of my heart——

it really goes.

and there is a charge, a very large charge

for a word or a touch

or a bit of blood

or a piece of my hair or my clothes.

so, so, herr doktor.

so, herr enemy.

i am your opus,

i am your valuable,

the pure gold baby

that melts to a shriek.

i turn and burn.

do not think i underestimate your great concern.

ash, ash——

you poke and stir.

flesh, bone, there is nothing there——

a cake of soap,

a wedding ring,

a gold filling.

herr god, herr lucifer



out of the ash

i rise with my red hair

and i eat men like air.


普拉絲生前出版的詩集有《巨神像》(the colossus),死後出版的有《精靈》(ariel),《渡河》(crossing the water)和《冬樹》(winter trees)。人性經驗被描繪成恐怖且無法駕馭,人際關係也像傀儡似地毫無意義,這兩大主題左右着她的想象;她的詩具有獨特的風格和技巧,憂鬱的氣質和苦痛的經驗瀰漫其間。

普拉絲的詩多描寫內心世界,交織着苦痛、抑鬱、嘲諷和淡淡的喜悦,尤其她晚期的作品是在一種極端神經質和創作力旺盛的情況下寫成的,有時意象轉換扭曲得很厲害,我們讀她的詩作時,似乎只是及時抓住了幾組意象,而無法掌握全詩。她曾這樣形容自己晚期的詩:「瘦瘦長長的,像我自己一樣。」當然,絕不僅止於形體上的相像,這些詩是普拉絲企圖反擊並超越那些縈繞其心的許多感情鬱結的記錄,在英文作品中幾乎很難找出與之匹敵者;我們可以説她的作品往往是一個小小的寓言,她企圖透過寓言的建立來超越原來的處境或心境,正如艾佛瑞茲(a. alvarez)所説:「這種秩序的詩作是殘酷的藝術。」如果普拉絲活得久些,這類詩是否會更上一層樓,誰也沒法預言,因為她的詩作和死亡是密不可分的。如今她的詩名和作品都被人們渲染上幾分傳奇的色彩,和第一次世界大戰初布魯克(rupert brooke)的詩名相當。由於她是近代作家,我們無法騰出時間的距離來評估她在文學史上的最終地位,她詩中過於狂烈、過於內塑的語調是否對後代讀者也具有同樣的衝擊力,我們留待時間來裁定。

代表作英文詩歌 篇四

the blossom 花兒 雙語中英對照:


merry, merry sparrow! 愉快,愉快的小麻雀!

under leaves so green, 在如此翠綠的樹葉下,

a happy blossom 一朵幸福的花兒

sees you, swift as arrow, 看着你,如箭般地敏捷,

seek your cradle narrow 在我的胸前尋找

near my bosom. 你那窄小的搖籃。


pretty, pretty robin! 漂亮,漂亮的知更鳥!

under leaves so green, 在如此翠綠的樹葉下,

a happy blossom 一朵幸福的花朵

hears you sobbing, sobbing, 聽到你嗚咽,嗚咽,

pretty, pretty, robin, 漂亮,漂亮的知更鳥!

near my bosom. 在我的胸前盤旋。

代表作經典英文詩歌 篇五

insufficiency 自愧弗如


there is no one beside thee and no one above thee,

thou standest alone as the nightingale sings!

and my words that would praise thee are impotent things,

for none can express thee though all should approve thee.

i love thee so, dear, that i only can love thee.






say, what can i do for thee? weary thee, grieve thee?

lean on thy shoulder, new burdens to add?

weep my tears over thee, making thee sad?

oh, hold me not--love me not! let me retrieve thee.

i love thee so, dear, that i only can leave thee.




