

商务会议上表达立场的英语句子一: 征求支持

1. Do I have everyone's support on this?

2. Do I have your full support on this?

3. Is everyone with me on this?

4. Is everyone in agreement on this?

support someone on something的意思是“支持某人对某事的看法”。这句话常用于陈述己见之后、征求他人支持。请注意这里用 support me 而非 support this idea ,用意在于突显个人;因为在公开场合中,拒绝人远比拒绝意见来得困难。


1. You have my full backing on this.

2. I'm fully behind you on this.

3. I'm in complete agreement with you on this.

4. I'm completely on your side on this.



1. I see your point, but...

2. I suppose you're right, but...

3. That's true, but...

4. I agree up to a point, but...

在正式会议中,除非事关重大,否则较少出现强硬的反对或否决的措词。一来是与会者本应保持接受各种意见的宽容态度,二来是工作场合中应显出冷静的风度;所以用保留、婉转的口气来否定他人的提议或意见是开会必学的课程。“I see your point, but...”即是个实用的句型,先表示了解对方所言,接着利用but提出其它方案。

商务会议上表达立场的英语句子四: 否决



I'm afraid I can't accept that.

I'm sorry, but we can't really do that.

I'm afraid I'm not very happy about that.

I'm sorry, but I have doubts about that.

I don't want to be discouraging but...

I accept the need for that, but...

I appreciate your point of view, but...

I can see why you want to do this, but...

That's very interesting, but...